What is a QR Code

The QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a two-dimensional barcode invented by the Japanese in 1994, which can contain much more information than an ordinary barcode.

QR Codes can be used both digitally and on printed media. It can be attached to magazine advertising, shop windows, vehicles, packaging, gifts and products to provide exclusive information.

The QR Code dynamically connects consumers with information about products and services. With each passing day, more companies are using QR Code technology to increase their sales.

The digital content that is linked to the QR Code can be updated when necessary, making your investment more effective, meaning all QR Codes that have been printed will continue to access the most recent content. This information can only be modified by the company that owns them.

Who accesses QR codes

Know the Consumer Profile


Today more than 65% of American consumers already have QR Code scanners on their cell phones.

Currently all cell phone brands leave the factory with softwares built-in cameras, as well as specific and free apps for this function, both for IOS and Android operating systems.

Most of which are active consumers, aged between 15 and 55, across all social classes, as shown below.


American Consumers with QRCode Readers Installed

Source: CNNTech


Current cell phones with built-in QR Code reader

Much to communicate in little space

Small Media Spaces


The best way to communicate in great detail everything your customer needs to know about your product or service.


The interactivity in the QR Code allows your customer to make phone calls, locate your establishment’s route and watch detailed content.


The iNTERACTIVE QR Code enables numerous applications: RSVP, Surveys, Customer Registration, Discount Coupons, Promotions, etc.

Great Solution

It is common that when the company advertises in promotional magazines, the space ends up being insufficient to transmit everything it has to offer.

It is at this time that the iNTERACTIVE QR Code can first present the company’s differentials and then take the consumer to the website or register to be served.

Content Creation

One of the great advantages of the QR Code is to better expose your company’s differentials even when the ad is made in small media spaces.